Middle East Peace Camp

Children's summer camp and year long community activities

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Middle East Peace Camp position on war in Israel/Palestine.

Middle East Peace Camp (MEPC) is a community whose members come from many different backgrounds, including Jewish, Muslim, Christian and others who share our values. In line with our mission statement, in the fall of 2023, we signed on to the Washington solidarity statement for peace and justice in Israel/Palestine.

The first paragraph of this document reads, “We condemn all targeting and killing of civilians, whether Israeli or Palestinian, of any or no faith background. Such indiscriminate violence harming innocent civilians is not only a violation of law, but also of basic morality and human decency. While this violence occurs in the context of daily injustices under a military occupation of Palestinians, we are outraged at the mass scale  of kidnappings and killings of Israeli civilians including children, women and the elderly on October 7, 2023, as well as the mass killings, bombings and displacement of human beings away from their homes and communities as collective punishment of the 2.3 million people in Gaza (nearly half of which are children) since then. We must prevent more devastation.”

The full statement is here